Excerpt from my jounral - originally from the 24th of June
When I'm about to slump into a depressive state my body and brain have a discussion before it happens. What do I mean by this? Well it’s kind of like a 'gut feeling' or instincts but slightly different in that I don’t feel it in my gut or heart. I feel it gradually everywhere. It’s hard to explain and I'm not sure whether I’m the first to ever write about this feeling, probably not. But its something that starts in the back of the mind gradually moves forward and down the central nervous system. Or it could even the opposite way, but either way, this is the beginning of the murky cloudy feeling depressive people may describe. As it forms my mind and body are alert but kind of turn a blind eye - different from how I'd start to react when its a manic state creeping up where my body and mind would enthusiastically invite more and more of the pre-manic symptoms in.
So, I'm going into another depressive cycle and the dead give always are:
1. Can't get out of bed / Can't be bothered getting out for bed -
The underlying reason behind this is because my outlook on the day ahead is bleak. i.e I think I'm going to have a shit day at work or I think that the day ahead is just going to eb unbearable. Thoughts like these begin to build up even before I've flicked my blanket up off me. By the time I do get out of bed the feelings start getting worse...
2. Grumpiness takes over all other feelings -
I slump out of bed and straight towards the shower completely ignoring everyone and everything. I don't want to talk and the funny thing is my jaws lock up so hard that even if I wanted to open my mouth I can’t. It's like my mind makes damn sure I don’t bother communicating either to save myself from an ugly confrontation or because it simply cant come up with the energy to utter a word.
3. Time... takes it's time -
The goes by very very slowly. Time itself becomes a big factor, i tend to pay a lot of attention to how slowly the day is going by which makes things seem even slower. This makes my thoughts, speech and reaction slow, I feel like I'm 'dazed' as well and I constantly wish the day would end so I can just go to bed.
4. Disassociation/ irritability & negative energy
This is probably the worst phase. I pretty much lose touch with who I am and get easily frustrated with life in general. The confusion alone makes me lose it.
Can anyone relate to this phase? Please share your comments, I'm curious...
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