Medication Memoir - June 2008

Medication Memoirs

Month: June
Drug(s): Lithium Carbonate

Day 1: 1x250mg Lithicarb (at 8pm)
Main Effects: Things felt much clearer. Rapid thoughts slowed down and I felt a little more calm. Senses like hearing (listening to music) and sight were somewhat 'clearer' but didn’t really observe this too deeply.
Side effects: Slight slurred speech, metalic tastes, feeling of ‘weakness’.

Day 2: 0x250mg Lithicarb during the day - 1x 250mg Lithicarb at 7pm
Daytime Effects: Things were visually much more clearer, thoughts seemed to be more clearer and 'normal'. Anxiety/Paranoia felt like it had subsided or gone away. Much happier and less isolated feelings. Irrational thoughts decreasing.
Side effects: Nil
Night Effects: The world around me seemed to have slowed down, thoughts were more rational mood seemed to stabilize.
Side effects: metallic taste, slightly slowed down speech, reaction and memory.

Day 3: 0x250mg Lithicarb during the day - 1x 250mg Lithicarb at 7pm
Daytime effects: Close to none, feeling at ease, but feel like I might need to start taking 1 tablet in the morning (was supposed to start this on Day 5)
Side effects: Nil
Night effects: Starting to adjust to the 'slower' feeling, this could either be the 'normal' pace of life/time that everyone else experiences since my feeling of time and space is usually either much faster or slower. but other than that things are better than not taking meds.
Side Effects: Feeling 'normal' but kind of uninterested in what's happening around me (a good and bad thing - depending)

Day 4: 1x125mg Lithicarb at 7am - 1x 250mg Lithicarb at 7pm
Daytime effects: Highly sociable, feel like the Lithium might be working at full effect now. Cruising through the day normally. Feeling "normal" and not expriencing any irrational rapid thoughts.
Side effects: metalic taste, hungry and thirsty. Slight chest/heart aches.
Nighttime effects:
Side effects: Slight chest/heart aches.

Day 6, 7, 8: 2x250mg Lithicarb
Kind of hard to swallow, felt the need to isolate myself. Lost the ability to socialize or handle social situations. Felt confused and can’t remember much from this period.

Day 9: 1x250mg Lithicarb at 7am 1x250mg at Lithicarb 9.30pm
Daytime effects: Feeling slightly irritated today. Not socialising and feeling muggy.
Side effects: Slurred speech, slow reactions and constantly urinating. "Weak" feeling, slight trembling fingers and nausea. Diarrhoea.
During the night: Went straight to sleep, but could feel dizzy.
Side effects: Increasing heart/chest pain. Slight stomach aches.

Day 10: 1x125mg at 7am, 1x125mg at 9.30am (250mg Daytime) 1x125mg at 7am, 1x125mg at 9.30am (250mg Evening)
Daytime effects: Feeling a little more better than yesterday, things felt pretty good when I took the first 125mg (half a tablet) and kind of regret taken the other half so soon. A little more social and less isolated than yesterday.
Side Effects: (after taking the second tablet sideeffects kicked in) Increasing heart/chest pain. Slight Stomach aches, slurred speech, slow reactions and constantly urinating. "Weak" feeling, slight trembling fingers and nausea.
Night time effects: Much smoother thoughts, feeling very calm and collected. Taking half a tablet every 4 hours doesn’t bring on strong side effects and prolongs calmness in my mind. Actually feeling normal.

Day 13-15: 1x125mg at 7am, 1x125mg at 9.30am (250mg Daytime) 1x125mg at 7am, 1x125mg at 9.30pm (250mg Evening)

Daytime effects: My mood has been pretty stable for the past couple of days, thankfully. I’ve been able to socialize and have been working at a more ‘normal’ – not erratic or too slow. Things have been pretty nice. It seems as if I’ve become
Side effects: Taking tablets in halved doses has lead to subsided side effects. Slight burry eyes and slowness, but much more manageable.