Medication Memoirs

Medication Memoirs
Why I'm Doing this..

As I get treatment for my Bi Polar I've decided to document everything from how my daily activities and behaviour may have changed to what medication I am taking and what effects are taking place.

I'll try and share as much as I can or feel like with everyone. I'm doing this for various reasons.

1. For those who don't have to deal with a mood disorder or any kind of mental difficulties to gain an insight into what someone who does suffer. Remember all 'sufferers' (I don't like using this word much) are different in their own rights, all brains are different. So consider this insight unique - to some degree.

2. For those who think they might be experiencing some kind of difficulties or know they are but aren't too sure whether they are the only ones - I'm hoping I can show you that there may be at least one person out there like you and you can deal with it the same way I have.
I want to share with you what I go through everyday especially with any medication I have been prescribed so you can either be encouraged or discouraged to go ahead with help or a prescription similar to mine. (Note: I am only supplying this information as INFORMATION, and not any advice - doctors and professionals should be the people who ultimately give you any advice you need to take on board)

3. Lastly, this is for all those who have been through it or are going through it, whether it may be similar to my situation or different, in a hope that you may share your knowledge in case it can help or enlighten me.

What to keep in mind...
Reading my journals on taking my medication you will see a whole lot of 'effects' and 'side effects' that I've observed. Keep in mind that even though these may look like I'm about to die, they are usually things that are easily ignored, subtle, or don't last too long. If I indicate that a certain effect or side effect was dangerous or fatal I will most definitely write it and stop the medication. Believe me these small effects that I experience are a big trade off for the crap that I usually endure in my mind.
Also, I like to experiment and alter ways to take medication. Mainly because I want to test the medication's, and myself,effect in different circumstances. Which is why you might not ever see a consistency in what I experience, but I do this until i can get things 'right'. I don't advise this for anyone, and sometimes it could be deemed dangerous but my curiosity is hard to suppress...
One final note - I have very fast tolerance when it comes to medication and my body absorbs things really fast, which always allows me to experience the effects almost straight away. I hardly experience a placebo effect so most of my observerations are spot on accurate.

Click here for: June 2008