Famous Bi-Polarians

Sometimes we wonder if we are alone? Then we read blogs by many out there just like us. Then we wonder, will I ever acheive what I dream to acheive? Then I watch this clip.

I know I'll etch my name into the walls of history one day. This clip reminds me I can.
Ps. I realize some of the people in this clip haven't officially been publicly labaled as Bi Polar, but some have shown obvious signs or similar symptoms.


ashmc2 23 June 2008 at 11:57 pm

Thanks for dropping by.

For some reason I can’t see your clip, but yes many inventors, painters, artists, philosophers, writers, musicians, geniuses etc… throughout history are and were thought to be Bipolar. One thing that is usually apparent is the high intelligence factor of our disorder. I am sure that is one of the major reasons we experience racing thoughts and the inability to shutdown our mind’s inner reasoning processes.

Later Ash out…

AR85 24 June 2008 at 7:32 pm

Yeah, I know what you mean. I keep a small book where I always jot down new ideas, titles, things to work on in the future. Lately none of m ideas have been seen through, maybe when i start feeling better I can work on them.
Anyways the clip is wokring fine for me, but for those who cant see it here is the list of people that are shown:

00:10 President - Abraham LINCOLN
00:17 Musician - Adam ANT
00:25 Actor - Ben STILLER
00:30 Actor - Burgess MEREDITH
00:34 Astronaut - Buzz ALDRIN
00:44 Author - Charles DICKENS
00:48 Nurse - Florence NIGHTINGALE
00:53 Director - Francis Ford COPPOLA
00:57 Boxer - Frank BRUNO
01:02 Scientist - Isaac NEWTON
01:06 Actor - Jean Claude VAN DAMME
01:10 Musician - Jimi HENDRIX
01:14 Actor - Linda HAMILTON
01:19 Composer - Ludwig Van BEETHOVEN
01:27 Prime Minister - Winston CHURCHILL
01:32 Music Producer - Phil SPECTOR
01:36 Director - Tim BURTON
01:41 Actor - Richard DREYFUSS
01:46 Musician - Ray DAVIES
01:50 Model - Sophie ANDERTON
01:53 Musician - STING
02:00 Musician - Kurt COBAIN
02:04 Actor - Ned BEATTY
02:14 Musician - Ozzy OSBOURNE
02:18 Actor - Jim CAREY
02:22 Actor - Robert DOWNEY JR
02:28 Actor - Robin WILLIAMS
02:31 Actor - Spike MILLIGAN
02:36 Actor - Stephen FRY
02:41 Artist - Vincent VAN GOGH

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