Irritating creeps...

You know its one of those mornings when you have to force your mouth open to say "Good Morning!" Or, you get frustrated that the office cleaner didn't put your little trash bin exactly where you'd like it under your desk just so you can convineintly throw your tea cup into it without having to position it perfectly... It's that irritating bastard thats creeps into you over night that decides to stick around and make your day difficult...

12 noon - Update.
The Lithium seems to be really kicking in this time. Much more than usual. Actually just when I had doubted its effects it has shown me what it's capable of. Ive had to get up at least 6 times already to go to the bathroom already. Fingers are trembling and feeling dazed. At least I know it's doing something, I'm unsure as to whether it's a good thing or a bad thing. The rpaid thoughts have slowed down which is the Bbst thing but I'm not too much on the talkative side either...